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Real estate information provided by National Realty, Reston, VA 703-860-4600
Fairfax Co- largest county. Loudoun Co-fastest growing.  Arlington/Alexandria- closest to DC.   

Fairfax County Homes

Cities -North areas of Fairfax County (West of I-66, Dulles Toll Road to upper Potomac River)

Cities – South areas of Fairfax County (East of I-66, closer to I-95 and to lower Potomac River)

Homes in Large Cities closest to DC

 NUMBER OF LISTINGS FOR SALE.  Sorted:  Low to high price.  Options: Map View or Listings Only 

Prince William County Homes

Fair Housing Statement: It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide for fair housing throughout the Commonwealth, to all its citizens, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status, source of funds, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, or disability. This is also the policy of National Realty. 

National Realty LLC, 11890 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20191
Office:  703-860-4600 Fax:571-946-8181 Licensed in VA, MD, DC
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Most Recent Sale – Waterfront in Reston
By Connie Hartke, National Realty